GeunBae's Project

images of study room

"Be good at javascript"

I want to be good at javascript. so I made my goal visually.
This site can not work rightly in mobile yet.
I will update it soon.:)
You can check it Here

"Aware shoppingmall page"

A shoppingmall site markup is really not easy.
It is troublesom than any other site.
It has many things to consider.
Anyway I practice it here.
I tried to make it by semantic codes.
Although I tried to make it perfectly, this page still has things to upgrade.
You can check it Here

"Table element practice"

Making table element rightly is really important at Web Accesibility point.
We should define a column text point which direction - row or column.
I practiced it. You can check it Here

"A fixed image and text is scrolling"

I prctice to layout a fixed image and scrolling texts.
The contents are dummy texts. You can check it Here

"Form practice"

I prctice form elements markup.
You can check it Here

mobile zigbang

You can check it Here